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Friday, May 3, 2019

Optimizing the Optimized Docker Image for Oracle XE 18c (18.4.0) including Archivelog

On 1st May 2019 I was publishing a solution on how to optimize the Docker image for Oracle XE 18c from 8.7 GB down to 5.41 GB (

In the last 2 days I was playing a bit more with my optimized Docker image for Oracle XE 18c and I was able to downsize the Docker image once again to a current size of 4.02 GB. So its more than 50% of savings from the original Docker image size.

$ docker images
REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
oracle/database      18.4.0-xe           2018ad58d2f3        16 hours ago        4.02GB

I mainly removed unnecessary directories from the $ORACLE_HOME and several binaries, which are not required in my opinion and I strip some of the big binaries to remove the comments from them.

You can find the optimized optimized Docker Image for Oracle XE 18c (18.4) in my GitHub Repository

Here is the list of directories and binaries which I removed from the image in order to come down to 4.02 GB:

# Snippet from Dockerfile.xe
    yum -y install $INSTALL_FILE_1 && \
    rm -rf /var/cache/yum && \
    rm -f $INSTALL_FILE_1 && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/demo && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/dmu && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/javavm && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/md && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/nls/demo && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/odbc && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/R && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/instantclient && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/inventory && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/deinstall && \
    rm -r  $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ && \
    rm -r  $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ && \
    rm -r  $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ra_solaris*.zip && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/crs && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmdcore && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/bdschecksw && \
    rm -f  £ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbv && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldap* && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbfs_client && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/afdboot && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/exp && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/imp && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/*.exe && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lcsscan && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dgmgrl && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/nid && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/orion && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/procob && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/setasmgid && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/wrap && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/*0 && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tnsping && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tkprof && \
    rm -f  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl && \
    rm -f  $ORCALE_HOME/bin/wrc && \
    rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/sdk && \
    strip --remove-section=.comment $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle && \
    strip --remove-section=.comment $ORACLE_HOME/bin/rman && \
    strip --remove-section=.comment $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tnslsnr

I will continue to try to downsize the Docker image for Oracle XE 18c a bit more within the next days and will post updates on these topic.