This Blog is discontinued, its only read-only

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oracle Application Express (APEX) 4.0 available

I just saw, that Oracle Application Express (APEX) 4.0 is now available for downloads in the Oracle TechNet:

The most interesting new features in my opinion are the Websheet and the Oracle Application Express Listener. The full list of the new features can be found under:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oracle Code Ninja Chronicles Episode

Sometimes Oracle knows how to produce cool promotions :-)

Call for Papers DOAG Conference 2010

The DOAG Conference 2010 (the biggest Oracle User Conference in Europe) is still looking for presentation for MySQL Stuff (for DBA's & Developers) as MySQL is now part of the great Oracle Community :-)

The DOAG Conference 2010 will take place in Nuernberg/Germany from 16th November until 18th November 2010.

Under following link you can register your presentation The Call for Papers will be closed on 30th June, so hurry up ...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Recommended Reading - Rework by Jason Fried and David Hansson

This post is nothing about Oracle Stuff or Technology, it's just a recommendation for a book, which might help you in your daily work :-)

It's the book "Rework by Jason Fried and David Hansson".

An excerpt of the book can be found under following link:

Enjoy the reading :-)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Did you forget your WebLogic Admin User password?

Several month ago you install your Oracle Fusion Middleware Environment, you didn't connect to the WebLogic console and now you realize, that you forget the password of the WebLogic Server Admin User "weblogic".
Here is a small How To in order to reset the Admin User "weblogic" password.

1st Step: Stop your Weblogic Server, if it's running
oracle@server>cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<your_domain>/bin
oracle@server>./ <your_server>

2nd Step: Source the necessary environment variables for your WebLogic Server
oracle@server>cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<your_domain>/bin

3rd Step: Creation of a new WebLogic Server Admin User
oracle@server>cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<your_domain>/security

# the first value after the command "java"
# is the new username
# the second value is the password for the new Admin User
# IMPORTANT !!! After the password value you must place a "." (dot) !!!!
# This command will update the DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift
# configuration file

oracle@server>java myadmin oracle11g .
4th Step: Delete the file DefaultAuthenticatormyrealmInit.initialized
oracle@server>cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<your_domain>/servers/AdminServer/data/ldap
oracle@server>rm DefaultAuthenticatormyrealmInit.initialized

5th Step: Startup the WebLogic Server
# Depending if you are using a file
# you must choose between the two following options
# a) Without configuration file

oracle@server>cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<your_domain>/bin
oracle@server> ./ <your_domain>

# Here you will be prompted for your WebLogic Server Admin User and his Password
# Use now your newly created Admin User

# b) With a configured configuration file
# Remove your configuration file

oracle@server>cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<your_domain>/servers/AdminServer/security

# Startup your WebLogic Server

oracle@server>cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<your_domain>/bin
oracle@server> ./

# Here you will be prompted for your WebLogic Server Admin User and his Password
# Use now your newly created Admin User

For the above mentioned two options see my Blog Post

6th Step: Login to your WebLogic Server Console with your newly created Admin User and change the password of the original WebLogic Server Admin User "weblogic"
# Navigate to "Security Realms"
# There you'll see two Admin Users: weblogic and your newly created Admin User
# Change the password of the user weblogic

7th Step (optionally): If you was using a configuration file before, you must recreate it with the new values for the Admin User and the reseted password

Additional Note (26.01.2011): Please be aware that the above described procedure is NOT working with a database security store !!! (Thanks for the input from Nazir, see comments below)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last post "Review of The Oracle Universal Content Management Handbook written by Dmitri Khanine" removed

To anybody who is looking for my last post "Review of The Oracle Universal Content Management Handbook written by Dmitri Khanine", I had to remove it temporarily due to an request by the publisher of Dmitri Khanine upcoming book "The Oracle Universal Content Management Handbook".

As soon as the book is published, I will change my book review post to be active again.

Personally I don't understand why the publisher don't want postive feedback about the upcoming book before it's published, in my opinion such reviews are a free advertisment :-)