Enterprise Manager 13c - Resolve Pending Status of Systems Infrastructure Server Components

From time to time you can observe, that some Systems Infrastructure Server Components are turning into a "Pending Status". Mostly the reason for this status change is not clear, a restart of the underlying Oracle Agents also doesn't resolve this pending state.

 The simplest solution to get rid of the pending state is to remove the Systems Infrastructure Server Component and to re-add it.

For this just connect with the oracle user to your server on which your Oracle Cloud Control 13c is running and perform following emcli commands:

# At first login with sysman to your emcli
oracle@server> emcli login -username=sysman
Enter password :

Login successful

# Perform a sync
oracle@server> emcli sync
Synchronized successfully

# Remove the Systems Infrastructure Server Component which is in pending state
oracle@server> emcli delete_target \
                  -name="<yourserver>.<domainname>/server" \

# For example:
oracle@server> emcli delete_target \
                  -name="dbserver1.mydomain.com/server" \

Target "dbserver1.mydomain.com/server:oracle_si_server_map" deleted successfully

# Add the above remove Systems Infrastructure Server Component once again
oracle@server> emcli add_target -name='<yourserver>.<domainname>/server' \
                  -type='oracle_si_server_map' \
                  -host='<yourserver>.<domainname>' \
                  -access_point_name='<yourserver>.<domainname>/server_os' \
                  -access_point_type=oracle_si_server_os \
                  -properties='dispatch.url!local://localhost' \

# For example:
oracle@server> emcli add_target -name='dbserver1.mydomain.com/server' \
                  -type='oracle_si_server_map' \
                  -host='dbserver1.mydomain.com' \
                  -access_point_name='dbserver1.mydomain.com/server_os' \
                  -access_point_type=oracle_si_server_os \
                  -properties='dispatch.url!local://localhost' \

Target "dbserver1.mydomain.com/server_os:oracle_si_server_os" added successfully

After that wait some moments and check once again the status of your Systems Infrastructure Server Component in Enterprise Manager 13c and you will see that the status turned to be ok.