Offline Updating WebLogic Images using Oracle WebLogic Image Tool

Posted by Dirk Nachbar on Thursday, June 27, 2019
This is next article about the Oracle WebLogic Image Tool, in which I will show you, how to update an existing Oracle WebLogic Server Image in an offline environment (no access to the internet).

The previous articles can be found under:

Let's say you have a Docker image with Oracle WebLogic Server plus PSU April 2019 (, in my environment called oracle/wls_new:1.0, and you want to update your Docker Image with the patch 29921455 (CVE-2019-2729

Just download the Patch 29921455 for the release and copy the Zip File to your target server, assuming to /work/software. The only tricky part here is to provide the correct format for the parameter --patchID for the command cache addPatch of the imagetool. The Patch is 29921455, but this Patch ID exists for multiple Oracle WebLogic Releases (e.g., So you need to define your --patchID as <PatchNumber>_<WebLogicRelease>.
So for the shown example 29921455_12.

$ docker images | grep oracle/wls_new
oracle/wls_new         1.0                        dad1b3068c40        2 hours ago         1.22GB

$ cd <Path to your imagetool bin directory>

# Source the
$ . ./

# Add the Patch to the imagetool cache
$ imagetool cache addPatch --patchId=29921455_12. --path=/work/software/
[2019-06-27 13:02:28] [] [INFO   ] adding key 29921455_12. 
[2019-06-27 13:02:28] [] [INFO   ] adding key 29921455_12. 
[2019-06-27 13:02:28] [] [INFO   ] Added Patch entry 29921455_12. for wls

# Check if the Patch was correctly added to the imagetool cache
$ imagetool cache listItems
Cache contents

As you can see, the patch 29921455 was added to the imagetool cache as entry id "29921455_12.".

Now we can update the existing Docker image. In my environment the Docker image is called oracle/wls_new:1.0. My new target image should be oracle/wls_new:2.0 and should contain the patch 29921455.
For this you need to execute the imagetool with the command "update", declare the source image (--fromImage) and the target image (--tag) and reference the patch to be applied (--patches). For the option "--patches" you have to use the cache entry with which you added the patch to the imagetool cache. In my example "29921455_12.".

$ imagetool update --fromImage oracle/wls_new:1.0 --tag oracle/wls_new:2.0 --patches 29921455_12.
[2019-06-27 13:17:25] [] [INFO   ] tmp directory in for docker run: /home/din/wlsimgbuilder_temp1812783530686130006 
[2019-06-27 13:17:32] [] [INFO   ] OPatch patch number 28186730 cached file /home/din/cache/ version 
[2019-06-27 13:17:32] [] [INFO   ] ID="ol" 
[2019-06-27 13:17:32] [] [INFO   ] OPATCH_VERSION= 
[2019-06-27 13:17:32] [] [INFO   ] WLS_VERSION= 
[2019-06-27 13:17:32] [] [INFO   ] ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle 
[2019-06-27 13:17:32] [] [INFO   ] VERSION_ID="7.6" 
. . .
. . .
Backup area for restore has been cleaned up. For a complete list of files/directories
deleted, Please refer log file.

OPatch succeeded.
Removing intermediate container c7487cd7ea8b
 ---> 6669bd543ace
Successfully built 6669bd543ace
Successfully tagged oracle/wls_new:2.0

# Lets check
$ docker images | grep oracle/wls_new
oracle/wls_new         2.0                        6669bd543ace        15 minutes ago      1.35GB
oracle/wls_new         1.0                        dad1b3068c40        2 hours ago         1.22GB

# Get inside the new Docker Image and check if the patch was applied correctly
$ docker run --rm -it oracle/wls_new:2.0 /bin/bash
[oracle@0eae36070e05 oracle]$ cd OPatch
[oracle@0eae36070e05 OPatch]$ ./opatch lsinventory
. . .
. . .
Local Machine Information::
Hostname: 0eae36070e05
ARU platform id: 226
ARU platform description:: Linux x86-64

Interim patches (6) :

Patch  29921455     : applied on Thu Jun 27 11:17:56 GMT 2019
Unique Patch ID:  22975494
Patch description:  "One-off"
   Created on 18 Jun 2019, 13:22:28 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
   This patch overlays patches:
   This patch needs patches:
   as prerequisites
. . .
. . .
OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@0eae36070e05 OPatch]$ exit

Now we have a new Docker image which was build as oracle/wls_new:2.0 and it contains the patch 29921455.