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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Oracle Traffic Director in Docker

As I am currently working a lot with Docker and I already managed to place Oracle Forms & Reports into Docker, my next goal was to use the Oracle Traffic Director as well in Docker.

Based on my blog post "How to install and configure Oracle Traffic Director 12c - fully unattended", I have converted and aligned my scripts to be used in a Docker Image.

The Oracle Traffic Director Image is based on my already published OracleJDK and OracleFMWInfrastrcure Images (

Just get a copy of my complete GitHub Repository (Download all required software binaries from Oracle) and you can start with building at first the OracleJDK Image:

cd OracleJava/java-8

After that, just create on top of the OracleJDK Image the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Infrastructure:

cd OracleFMWInfrastructure/dockerfiles
./ -v

Finally you can create Oracle Traffic Director Image, based on my instructions in GitHub and after the successful build of the OTD Image, you can execute the docker-compose file as described in the GitHub

Enjoy Oracle Traffic Director in Docker ;-)

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Oracle Forms & Reports on Docker - The Concept and Technique behind

In the last days I was working on my Oracle Forms & Reports in Docker solution and I already published it via my blog and in my personal GitHub Repository.

With this blog post, I want to explain the Concept and Technique behind my solution and the motivation.

Lets start with the motivation :-) With the Oracle Forms & Reports 12.2.x releases, Oracle has decided to remove the option to create script-based the WebLogic Domain for Oracle Forms & Reports. In case, I just have to install and configure one server with Oracle Forms & Reports, its quite fine to click through the Domain Configuration Wizard, but normally you don't have to configure just one environment, mostly 3 or more environments. Questions directed to Oracle, if the script-based configuration will be enabled again, were just answered with "you have to use the graphical Domain Configuration Wizard" ...
So, Jan-Peter Timmermann (, Robert Crames ( and I, were developing together a script set for installation and configuration of a complete Oracle Forms & Reports 12.2.x environment on Unix (Linux and so on) Servers, because we couldn't accept the fact, that we should start the Domain Configuration Wizard and click through several times just to create multiple Oracle Forms & Reports 12.2.x environments. 
The blog posts including the source code with the above mentioned solution can be found here:
We used this solution in our own test labs and also in real-life for customers, which reduced the efforts in installing and configuring Oracle Forms & Reports 12.2.x environments dramatically.

As I am a Docker fan and using heavily the by Oracle provided Docker solutions on, the next step was for me, to convert/integrate our script based solution for Oracle Forms & Reports into a Docker Image and here we are ...

The concept and technique behind the Oracle Forms & Reports in Docker solution is quite straight forward and simple.

Assuming you have a server with Docker (I personally prefer an Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.4 with Docker Engine from the Oracle Repos), you just have to decide if your Oracle Database for the required Metadata Repository for Oracle Forms & Reports should be also residing in your Docker or you have somewhere else (native) an Oracle Database (I am using an Oracle Database inside Docker on the same Docker server).
So at first you will pull your Oracle Linux 7 Image, which will be used as Base Image for your Oracle Database Image. For this I highly recommend the Oracle provided solution on GitHub ( mainly maintained by Gerald Venzl ( After you got your Oracle DB Image installed, you just have to create your Oracle Database by following the instructions on

The next step is to build up your Oracle Forms & Reports Stack, just get a copy of my GitHub Repository Download all the required Software binaries (JDK, Oracle WebLogic Server Infrastructure, Oracle Forms & Reports, optionally SQL Developer if you want to use Forms Application Deployment Services) for your desired Release (currently I am supporting Forms & Reports and ).

The first step is to create your JDK Image (I am using a full JDK and not a server-side version), based on Oracle Linux 7 Base Image (will be automatically pulled if not present).
As next you will need to create your WebLogic Server Infrastructure Image based on the prior created JDK Image. Within the creation of the WebLogic Server Infrastructure Image, I am also installing all required RPM's for Oracle Forms & Reports and fixing the bug (without this fix Oracle Reports will not work).
After that you will need to create the Forms & Reports Image, based on the prior created WebLogic Server Infrastructure Image. During the build of the Oracle Forms & Reports Image, all required scripts for the Domain creation will be copied into the Image. These scripts will be used in the final step by the docker-compose file. In case you are using Forms & Reports, you have also the option to use Forms Application Deployment Services (FADS). For this, if the variable DC_FADS12C is set to true in the OracleFormsReports/, the Image will transfer the required SQL Developer binary file and replace the old version of the SQL Developer under the Oracle Forms & Reports ORACLE_HOME directory.

Before you proceed with the final step to create your Forms & Reports Domain, you need to align the script OracleFormsReports/ This is the most important step before you start with the Domain creation. 
Most of the variables, which will be declared within the script are self-explained, like DC_ADM_USER, DC_ADM_PWD and so on). Some variables you need to take care very well, like the DC_DB%. In case you don't align them to your environment, the creation of the Metadata Repository will fail and finally your Domain creation will fail. 
Another important variable is DC_USERHOME, this one configures the to be used volume on your Docker host, which will be mapped from your Docker Container. I am using volumes within the Forms & Reports Docker Container, which will contain the complete DOMAIN_HOME, because this allows you later on, to configure directly from your Docker host on the defined volume various settings, eg. formsweb.cfg, rwserver.conf, httpd.conf and so on. The defined DC_USERHOME you will have to create before you are starting with the Domain creation.

Finally (make sure that your target Database for the Metadata Repository is up and running) you can start the Domain Creation with the provided docker-compose file, which will create you a base domain, extend this with Forms & Reports, configure an Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) and creates you a Reports Server and finally it will configure port-forwarding from your Docker Container to your Docker Host of the most important ports, e.g. WebLogic Admin Server, Managed Servers and Oracle HTTP Server. The provided docker-compose script will take all the defined variables from the script and push them into to the to-be created Container, so that at the beginning mentioned script-set for creating the Domain for Forms & Reports can use them.
For fans of the new feature Forms Application Deployment Services (FADS), which is available from release going. I have also implemented a pre-configuration task within the Domain creation for FADS, so that you just need later on, when your Container is running, to execute the script to get your FADS functionality. 

In case something goes wrong during the Domain creation, you can easily wipe out your half-Docker Container with "docker rm frfmw" and dont forget to cleanup below your defined volume ($DC_USERHOME/user_projects) potentially created directories like domains or applications. And then you can restart with the docker-compose your creation of the Docker Container.

The last step is, after a successful build of the Docker Container, to start the Container. For this you can use the command "docker start frfmw" and thats all ...

I will regularly update or enhance my Docker solution for Oracle Forms & Reports, so check out my GitHub Repository ( from time to time. Or if you have some specific needs, just drop me a message here or give me a message in Twitter ( or create a Issue on the GitHub Repository.

Last words: even when Oracle tells you, something is not possible, mostly it is ;-)

I hope you will enjoy and use my Docker solution for Oracle Forms & Reports ;-) 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Oracle Forms & Reports with FADS in Docker

The next release of my Oracle Forms & Reports Docker solution is now containing an option on running the Oracle Forms Application Deployment Services (FADS) within the Docker container.

The source code can be found under my personal GitHub Repository:

Feel free to get a copy and enjoy playing around with Oracle Forms Application Deployment Services (FADS) under a Docker container.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Oracle Forms & Reports in Docker

After I published yesterday my Docker solution for Oracle Forms & Reports, I received several question, if and when there will be a Docker solution for Oracle Forms & Reports

Here we go, I spent once again some time and created the necessary Docker files and uploaded them to my GitHub Repository

Now the above referenced Repository contains the necessary Docker files and docker-compose files for building Oracle Forms & Reports and Oracle Forms & Reports

In the you will find two main sections, "How to build Oracle Forms & Reports" and "How to build Oracle Forms & Reports"

Feel free to grab a copy of my Repository and enjoy Oracle Forms & Reports under Docker ;-)