This Blog is discontinued, its only read-only

Monday, November 18, 2019

Deprecated Functionality for WebLogic Server

Since around 6 weeks the last Oracle WebLogic Server Release is available and I got some spare time to read the necessary documentations. In the "What's new Guide" I found 2 interesting deprecated features, which weren't announced somewhere else. Meaning of deprecated features (source MOS Note 888028.1) Oracle Fusion Middleware deprecation process is to announce a feature deprecated in a given release where it will continue...

Thursday, October 10, 2019

OGB Appreciation Day: What I appreciate and what I would like to appreciate

It's time again for the OGB Appreciation Day #ThanksOGB (formerly known as #ThanksOTN and #ThanksODC) initiated by Tim Hall At first, what I appreciate from Oracle: WOW, We have a new Fusion Middleware Release :-) after nearly waiting for 2 years !  As my main focus is on WebLogic and Oracle Forms & Reports, I already had a closer look on this stuff and I must say, that specially for Oracle Forms & Reports, Oracle integrated some cool features/enhancements. The browser-less solution...

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Oracle Forms - New Security Handling for userid

In the latest Oracle Forms Release, Oracle has implemented a new cool feature for security handling of the userid parameter. Classically within the formsweb.cfg you are defining your section for your Forms Application, e.g. # # The values for userid are provided in cleartext [demo] WebUtilArchive=frmwebutil.jar,jacob.jar WebUtilLogging=off WebUtilLoggingDetail=normal WebUtilErrorMode=Alert WebUtilDispatchMonitorInterval=5 WebUtilTrustInternal=true WebUtilMaxTransferSize=16384 baseHTML=webutilbase.htm baseHTMLjpi=webutiljpi.htm archive=frmall.jar lookAndFeel=oracle form=test.fmx userid=scott/tiger@prod Now,...

Monday, September 30, 2019

Oracle Reports - Create a Standalone Reports Server

On Friday, 27th September 2019, Oracle released the latest Version of Oracle Forms & Reports (see my blog post As I already created an Oracle Forms & Reports environment, it's now time to have a look on the Oracle Reports environment. As usual, after you have successfully installed and configured your Oracle Forms &...

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Oracle Forms & Reports - First Look

Yesterday I was blogging about the new Oracle Forms & Reports Release. Today I got some spare time to install and configure the latest Oracle Forms & Reports Release on one of my test VM's. My configuration is as follows: Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.4 Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 19.3 Oracle Server JRE 8u221 Download URL: Oracle...

Friday, September 27, 2019

Oracle WebLogic Server available

Since today the new Oracle WebLogic Server is available for download :-) Currently I was just able to find the download under But I hope that the Oracle WebLogic Server will be soon available under Oracle Technical Resources (former OTN) The documentation is already available under As this WebLogic...

Oracle Forms & Reports available

Since today the new long awaited Oracle Forms & Reports Release is available, this is after 2 years now the next release of Oracle Forms & Reports. The software can be found under: The corresponding documentation can be found under As expected the new features are...

Monday, September 23, 2019

OOW19: Oracle Forms News

Since today many of the Oracle OpenWorld 2019 presentations are available under For Oracle Forms & Reports are 2 interesting presentations are available: Catalog ID: BOF6279: Oracle Forms: What's New and What's Cloud Catalog ID: CAS3729: Modernizing Oracle Form Applications with Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit. For this presentation is currently the download unavailable,...

Thursday, September 19, 2019

OOW19: WebLogic News

During the Oracle Open World 2019 were some announcements regarding Oracle WebLogic Server. The last year announced WebLogic Server 19c for Q1/2019 disappeared ... There will be no WebLogic Server 13 Release ... But there will be: WebLogic Server, which should come up shortly, as usual what shortly means in Oracle terms is not clearly defined :-) The WebLogic Server Release will be the Final Maintenance Release for 12.2.1.x, so don't expect too many new features BETA Program for WebLogic Server 14.1.1 is announced and to...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Oracle's Always Free Autonomous Database and Cloud Infrastructure

Yesterday Larry Ellison announced in his keynote during the Oracle Open World 2019 the "Always Free Autonomous Database and Cloud Infrastructure". For more details about it see: In short terms, you get...

Friday, June 28, 2019

Oracle 19c Certified for Oracle Fusion Middleware and

Since a few days Oracle updated the Certified Matrix for the Oracle Fusion Middleware Products concerning certified Oracle Databases. Now Oracle 19c (19.3+) is certified with Oracle Fusion Middleware and For example Oracle WebLogic Server / can use an Oracle 19c Database as target database for AppData, Repository Creation Utility (RCU) and WLS Features. The same applies to Oracle Forms & Repors...

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Offline Updating WebLogic Images using Oracle WebLogic Image Tool

This is next article about the Oracle WebLogic Image Tool, in which I will show you, how to update an existing Oracle WebLogic Server Image in an offline environment (no access to the internet). The previous articles can be found under: Oracle WebLogic Image Tool Updating WebLogic Images using Oracle WebLogic Image Tool Let's say you have a...

Monday, June 24, 2019

Updating WebLogic Images using Oracle WebLogic Image Tool

On 21st June 2019 I was showing in a blog post the Oracle WebLogic Image Tool and how to create Oracle WebLogic Images on Docker with the Oracle WebLogic Image Tool Today, I will show how to update an existing Oracle WebLogic Image on Docker with the Oracle WebLogic Image Tool Let's assume, I have one Oracle WebLogic Docker Image named oracle/wls_serverjre:1.0 and I want to apply the Patch 29637821...

Friday, June 21, 2019

Oracle WebLogic Image Tool

As I am currently working mainly with Oracle Products on Docker (Oracle Databases, Oracle JDK's and Oracle WebLogic Servers) I had a quick look on the Oracle WebLogic Image Tool This utility provided by Oracle is creating for you Docker Images of Oracle WebLogic Servers, downloads Patches directly from My Oracle Support and applying these patches into your Docker Image. What you will need to do, at first get the Oracle WebLogic Image Tool from GitHub, and build the project with Maven, take note...

Thursday, June 20, 2019

No more ALTER USER RENAME under Oracle 19c

Some times ago, I have published a blog series about the undocumented feature "ALTER USER RENAME": Part 1: ALTER USER RENAME - A half official option: Part 2: ALTER USER RENAME - Part 2: Part 3: ALTER USER RENAME - Part 3: Oracle 18c - ALTER USER RENAME: Now...

Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio Code

Since yesterday Oracle published the Visual Studio Code Extension "Oracle Developer Tools for VS Code" I am normally not a Microsoft guy, but I have to admit that the Visual Studio Code from Microsoft is really cool, even on my Ubuntu Laptop. In order to setup the Oracle Developer Tools for VS Code on Ubuntu you will need to complete following pre-requirements: Install...

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Oracle Database 19c for Windows and Linux on System z available

Since this weekend the latest Oracle Database 19c (19.3) are also available for Windows (64-bit) and Linux on System z. The Installation sources can be found under The Windows (64-bit) version can be found under the following link under Oracle Technology Network The...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Oracle 19c for AIX and HP-UX available

After Oracle released the Oracle Database 19c (19.3) for Linux and Solaris, now you can download as well the Oracle Database 19c (19.3) for IBM AIX and HP-UX ia64. The software can be found under Happy download :-...

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Flexible Patching Concept for Optimized WebLogic Image on Docker

In the last days I was publishing my Optimized WebLogic Image on Docker Solution, see following links: The previous version of my Optimized WebLogic Image was based on fixed patch numbers, so not really flexible. My latest update contains now the possibility to apply during the Image build multiple WebLogic Patches, just the OPatch Patch 28186730 is mandatory. The latest sources...