Check Composite State of Oracle SOA Suite by Command Line
Posted by Dirk Nachbar on Thursday, July 27, 2017
I was currently fighting a bit with the monitoring of Oracle SOA Suite 12c Composites.
The goal was to check the state of deployed Composites on an Oracle SOA Suite 12c with following requirements/dependencies:
Property File
Python Script
Wrapper Shell Script
In line 13 of the Script, align the Variable OracleHome to your Oracle Home Location
In line 66 of the Script, align the directory location were to find the Python Script
Under the directory logs you will find an outfile with naming convention CompositeName.log with the Status of your Composite
Happy Composite State Checking ... :-)
The goal was to check the state of deployed Composites on an Oracle SOA Suite 12c with following requirements/dependencies:
- No Oracle Cloud Control
- Capture only Active Composites and not Retired Composites
- one main Pythin Script, called which is checking the State of a non retired given Composite Name for a given Partition|Folder and a given Managed Server
- one property file called which will be used by the Python Script in order to build the required connect string to the Admin Server of the SOA Suite
- one wrapper Shell Script, which takes the required 3 Arguments (Name of Managed Server, Composite Name and Partition|Folder Name)
Property File
# Replace the below given values with your settings admin.url=wlssoa1:7001 admin.userName=weblogic admin.password=Oracle12c
Python Script
# ============================================================ # # Script: # # Author: Dirk Nachbar, # # Purpose: Checks the state of a given Composite # for Oracle SOA Suite 12c # # ============================================================ import sys; from java.util import Date from java.text import SimpleDateFormat from import File from import FileOutputStream from import FileInputStream # Load the WLS Connection Credential and establish the connection propInputStream = FileInputStream("") configProps = Properties() configProps.load(propInputStream) adminURL=configProps.get("admin.url") adminUserName=configProps.get("admin.userName") adminPassword=configProps.get("admin.password") managedServer=sys.argv[1] compositeName=sys.argv[2] partitionName=sys.argv[3] # Initialization of Logfile f = File('logs/' + compositeName + '.log') fos = FileOutputStream(f) theInterpreter.setOut(fos) # Perform the Connect to the AdminServer of the SOA Suite connect(adminUserName,adminPassword,adminURL) domainRuntime() for n in mbs.queryNames(ObjectName('oracle.soa.config:Location=' + managedServer + ',partition=' + partitionName + ',j2eeType=SCAComposite,name="' + compositeName + '",*'), None): RetiredFlag = mbs.getAttribute(n,'Mode') if RetiredFlag != 'retired': print 'Name: ' + mbs.getAttribute(n, 'Name') print 'Mode: ' + mbs.getAttribute(n,'Mode') print 'State: ' + mbs.getAttribute(n,'State')
Wrapper Shell Script
In line 13 of the Script, align the Variable OracleHome to your Oracle Home Location
In line 66 of the Script, align the directory location were to find the Python Script
#!/bin/bash # ============================================================ # # Script: # # Author: Dirk Nachbar, # # Purpose: Wrapper Script to check the state of a given Composite # for Oracle SOA Suite 12c # # ============================================================ OracleHome=/data/oracle/product/fmw-soa- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage() # # PURPOSE: Displays the Usage of the script #--------------------------------------------------------------------- { cat << EOF Usage: -s <ManagedServer> -c <CompositeName> -p <Partition|Folder> Monitoring script for SOA Suite Composite Parameters: -s: Name of the Managed SOA Server -c: Name of Composite to be checked -p: Name of Parition | Folder e.g. -s soa_server1 -c PayPal -p default EOF exit 1 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- CheckParams() # # PURPOSE: Checks the input Parmeter #--------------------------------------------------------------------- { if [ "${ManagedServer}" = "" ] ; then echo "ERR: Missing parameter(s), the flags -s must be used." Usage fi if [ "${CompositeName}" = "" ] ; then echo "ERR: Missing parameter(s), the flags -c must be used." Usage fi if [ "${Partition}" = "" ] ; then echo "ERR: Missing parameter(s), the flags -p must be used." Usage fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- CallCheckCompositeState() # # PURPOSE: Calls the Script #--------------------------------------------------------------------- { ${OracleHome}/oracle_common/common/bin/ /home/oracle/ ${ManagedServer} ${CompositeName} ${Partition} } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ManagedServer='' CompositeName='' Partition='' while getopts s:c:p:h: CurOpt; do case ${CurOpt} in s) ManagedServer="${OPTARG}" ;; c) CompositeName="${OPTARG}" ;; p) Partition="${OPTARG}" ;; h) Usage exit 1 ;; ?) Usage exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((${OPTIND}-1)) if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then Usage fi # Check Input Parameters CheckParams # Start the Check State of Composite CallCheckCompositeStateCreate the 3 above provided files in one location, align the said Variables and/or directory location and create a subdirectory called "logs" in the directory. Than call the Wrapper Shell Script with following options:
# # ./ -s <Name of Managed Server> -c <Composite Name> -p <Partition|Folder> # for example: ./ -s soa_server1 -c PayPal -p default
Under the directory logs you will find an outfile with naming convention CompositeName.log with the Status of your Composite
cd logs cat PayPal.log Connecting to t3://wlssoa1:7001 with userid weblogic ... Successfully connected to Admin Server "DEVAdminServer" that belongs to domain "dev_domain". Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or Admin port should be used instead. Location changed to domainRuntime tree. This is a read-only tree with DomainMBean as the root MBean. For more help, use help('domainRuntime') Name: PayPal [1.0] Mode: active State: on
Happy Composite State Checking ... :-)
Categories: Oracle WebLogic Server 12c, SOA 12c